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After the famous See Rex, this lanky giant is the second-largest predator on Thalassia. More of an ambush predator than a long-range chaser, Volugnathus lurks in forest thickets, striking out in a sudden burst of action to dispatch its prey. Death to its victims always comes from a knockout blow of its robust, ax-like upper first-head jaw. In contrast, the lower jaw is a disjointed, fragile and highly mobile implement, much like the spears of the Snake Eaters. After the prey has been killed, this halberd-like organ helps Volugnathus skin and dismember its remnants, which are finally swallowed with the help of its trunk-like second head. While Volugnathus usually feeds on fellow herbivorous Monoanticherans or forest living Titans, smaller animals and carrion also forms a percentage of its diet.

Although quite large, Volugnaths are lightly built and vulnerable against other predators. As a result, they prefer running away to open confrontations unless they have the advantage of surprise. As an additional means of defense, males of this species are able to squirt an extremely irritating, sticky fluid from special

ducts beneath their first-head jaws. This fluid, interestingly enough, is actually a modified version of its semen, composed of inert, dead “sperm cells” that are produced outside the normal mating season. This defense tactic has also independently evolved among the Haplobrachid Ophimyids and Citognaths.
