Trunkfeet are a group of two-legged herbivores native to the planet of Terrius, filling in the common niche as sturdy grazing animals. Airan studies discover fossilized remains of previous species of Trunkfoot, cataloging it in a full family group.
Common traits of the Trunkfeet are, as the name implies, their very large feet. These feet are adapted to the marshes and swamps of the planet, spreading their weight along the soft mud to avoid sinking into it. The bodies of modern Trunkfeet differ drastically from their ancestors: modern specimens of the group have larger feet but also smaller bodies in comparison to the ancestors, most likely hinting at the planet's more arid past as opposed to its current state.
- B. colesius (Cape Trunkfoot)
- B. commus (Common Trunkfoot)
- B. howler (Howling Trunkfoot) (extinct)
- B. subeera (Rooted Trunkfoot) (extinct)
- B. trohpera (Elephantine Trunkfoot)
- B. Xorix (Xorix Trunkfoot) (extinct)