The Ekip looks like a hybrid between 2 species, the gharial and icthyosaurus, with the coloration of the great white. The Ekip also evolved from a large predator, but we will get to that later. They have existed for 500,000 years and is now currently in the Cyber Age, where you go become a cyborg and add some parts to survive interstellar space. The Ekip lives on the moon of Jeter that orbits a gas giant or Hot-Neptune named Caelus.
The Ekip started out as scaly animals on land that weren’t dominant, (like what the mosasaurs ancestors were) and there was a lot of predators around, meaning that they had to be very careful, because going to the ground might become their death sentence. However this drove one species, Okeanosaurus to escape into the sea and multiply without the threat of predation. And this was successful, the long thin mouth used to catch small critters back in the mainland, was perfect at biting and gulping small aquatic aliens, and their long tails used for balance when running away from predators along with climbing trees, was good at maneuvering through water. So they stuck around for a while, and to not go onto land to lay eggs, because maybe some animals might eat your offsprings while they did not hatch, they give birth to live young. This gone for 120 million years until finally they were the top predators of the ocean, 45 mya, Teratognathus was one of them, hunting the once dominant lineage of Bellumicthyidae. Teratognathus was a top predator but it didn’t last long, tectonic plates made volcanoes in Torosa erupt, ash blocked out the sun causing phytoplankton and plants to die and unable to do photosynthesis, this caused filter feeders to starve and the predators that ate those like the mighty Teratognathus and Bellumicthys died because of a lack of food. TBC