Snaiad is one of the first colonies aliens of mankind, the jewel in the sky, the realm of the sublime. The hopeful settlers who they came from Earth, weary from war, they found not in a second garden of Eden, but in an unusual and new world that they had to understand and adapt in order to survive. It They understood and here is what they found.

the kahydron
Snaiad is an old world, having a history of life going back almost eight billion years, almost twice that of Earth's. There have been several waves of complex life, and just as many mass extinctions; one of these cataclysmic events is notable for having reset Snaiadi's life back to the complexity of "pond scum". While the present fauna have not shown evidence of sapience, civilization has possibly evolved twice on Snaiad: eleven 3.2 billion years ago (the approximate age of the controversial "Dosadi Screws," metallic artifacts of unknown origin), and again thirty million years ago with strange stone axe-like artifacts. The ancestors of the main "vertebrate" clade on Snaiad evolved from sea cucumber-like ancestors one billion years ago, crawling onto land in the form of plant-animal symbiotes. However, a mass extinction wiped the plant-animal symbiotes out, leaving what would become the modern body plan of Snaiad "vertebrates".
Like on Earth, humans only appeared on Snaiad very recently in the planet's long natural history. The people who colonized Snaiad were a "mixed bag" of settlers hailing from a group of Mediterranean countries, including Greece and Turkey. However, Snaiadi immigrants did not have to start from scratch, bringing with them numerous advanced technologies from Earth, including nanotechnology. This, along with Snaiad's human population only being about fifteen million at most, has prevented humanity from wreaking the same ecological effects on Snaiad that their ancestors had on Earth.