OceanWorld is a Planet terraformed by future Humans in the year 4539, Fish are the dominant speceis, but of course, corals, plants, Crustaceans and some insects are introduced too!
This speculation is a featured project!
Mudskipper~ Mudskippers are Semi-Terrestral Fish that live in muddy Places to Moisten themselves. Here, they will fill Neices claimed by Land-Animals.
Eupaulette shark~ The Only sharks Introduced, When beached, they can "Crawl" Themselves back into the water. Here, they will Fill The neices of Other Sharks.
Sea Robin~ Sea Robins are A family of bottom-feeding scorpaeniform ray-finned fish. The gurnards are distributed in temperate and tropical seas worldwide. They will fill the Neices of Bottom Crawling animals.
Sardine~ Sardines are Introduced to be at the Bottom of the food chain, but They will Become diverse, and some will even become Dolphin-Like.
Hagfish~ Hagfish can Secrete Slime to avoid Getting eaten. On this Planet, they will fill the neices of Eels, Snakes and even, Tunicates and Urchins.
Brine Shrimp~ Brine shrimp are Commonley eaten By Fish. But here, they are A food Source for the Sardines. Brine shrimp wont change much Though.
Crabs: Many speceis of Terrestral And Ocean crabs will be introduced. With some crabs Becoming Lobster-Like Again.
Mantis Shrimp: They will Feed on the ocean crabs. But will eventualy Fill the neices of Anglerfish.
Corals~ Many Speceis of corals for the fishes to live In.
Termites~ Termites will fill the Neices of Bees and Ants.
Crickets~ They are very High-Protein. Here, they will fill the Neices of Mantises, Butterflies and Mosquitoes.
Daises~ Daisies will Become Trees and Parisitic Plants.
Kelp~ Can make Great kelp Forests.
Time Periods:[]
The Aquacene: 0-15 Million years
The Terrestriacene: 15-63 Million Years
The Articacene: 63-120 Million Years
The Coastocene: 120-180 Million Years
The Arborealocene: 180-250 Million Years
The Endocene: 250-320 Million years