The Mirrorswimmer is a family group of flying invertebrates that, in terms of Aora's timeline, had recently evolved to fill in the niche for aerial diversity long after the resulting Moonfall Extinction.
Mirrorswimmers are one of the more alien-looking creatures found on Aora: their bodies in spite of their frigidity, are entirely boneless and are instead made up of a carotin-like structure, resulting in lighter bodies overall. They've developed four eyes, each one looking in separate directions for an almost 360-degree vision. Each species of Mirrorswimmer has three fins: two on each side of the body, and one behind acting as a propulsion fin, with each of these fins having an air sac that allows it to float freely. These air sacs though are translucent, which gives the family group its overall name.
The overall count of species of Mirrorswimmers became almost in the hundreds, with many modern-day species filling in the niches of small fish or even jellyfish in the food chain, with some even domesticated by the Aira in "Mirror Hatcheries" - the Aira term for Earth Fish farms with a similar purpose.