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Lystrobin (Therocephalus megarostris)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Turdidae
Subfamily: Terravidae
Genus: Therocephalus
Species: T. megarostris
Binomial name
Therocephalus megarostris

The lystrobin is a large mammal-like avian descended from the subterranean Pirobin.

Evolutionary History[]

The lystrobin was a descendant of the flightless pirobin that were subterranean due to predation by predators who are larger than themselves. However, a large meteor slammed into earth's atmosphere, sending the world into a sheer cold planet where temperatures reach −84.2 °C (-119.6°F), which was extremely cold during that time, and was even colder in america, but thanks to its ancestor's subterranean lifestyle and small size, the lystrobin was able to evolve after the mass extinction event, and gradually developed into a hulking giant.


The lystrobin was a large mammal-like avian that resembled bovids but were more closely related to birds, particularly robins. Their vast numbers make up more than half of the life on earth after the 100 Million Year Mass Extinction, as they lived in enormous herds. When they are moving in these monster-herds, they hovered up so much vegetation, that they had to constantly migrate for another supply of fresh food. They find vegetation by following the earth's magnetic field as if it were a compass, similar to the salmons that recovered in population after the mass extinction event. After they find a place with dense numbers of lush vegetation, they then return after a few days of feeding on the lush vegetation, using their impeccable sense of smell to track their way back to their homes. They also had an excellent eyesight, able to spot something like vegetation from two miles away, like the eagles of the 21st century, however, they arent able to spot well in a cramped condition as they dont have any social bonds with each other. Lystrobins were also excellent swimmers and had large brains, but were still not bright enough compared to the Teguman.


Lystrobins were large avians the size of cows, and had two tusk-like parts of its beak. These tusks were used for scraping soil off of the plant roots and bulbs. It's large beak was used for biting off pieces of vegetation, meaning that the lystrobin could digest more amounts of vegetation in a select amount of time than other herbivorans. They had powerful robust fore limbs that were used for digging, suggesting that they rested in large burrows. Lystrobins had no teeth, but instead had tusks that were located in its horny beak that were similar to those of turtles. They had large eyes that were the size of those of humans, but were far more superior in terms of vision, being able to spot vegetation from about two miles away, useful in a herd. They had short tails and large hind limbs. Males have larger crests than females, and juvenile males have crests the same size of the females. Juveniles are brighter in color and makes predators easier to spot it, so adult individual lystrobins formed a large circle with the juveniles in the middle, creating a formidable barrier against predators. Their skeletal structure indicates that they moved in a semi sprawling gait.


The lystrobins were diurnal herbivores that grazed on grass when the forests of america was slowly starting to recover. Their burrows were normally distributed in places where grass are abundant as they had a large appetite. Due to the lack of predators, the lystrobins are not frequently disturbed by them, and were the dominant herbivores of the novacene when life on earth was starting to recover. Because of the extinction of the neo-capybara, the lystrobins filled in the niche of their extinct partners and became enormous giants. Lystrobin females were highly protective and vigilant towards their juveniles, and will try and kill anything (including even their own kind) to expel them away from their juveniles. The lystrobins usually migrate when food sources are scarce, mostly in the dry season, and when they do, they represent a formidable barrier against predators to tackle with, making the lystrobins a difficult opponent. However, during the arrival of the tegumans, the tables turned, and the tegumans were instead the difficult opponent. What was once the most dominant creatures slowly became vulnerable towards the new humans of earth.
