This is a list of books and other print media (including articles and short stories) related to speculative evolution.
Specific authors:
- Dougal Dixon: After Man, The New Dinosaurs , Man After Man
- Dixon's post-human work for Omni magazine
- Wayne Barlowe: Expedition, Inferno, Alien Life of Wayne Barlowe
- Barlowe's unpublished sketches of future humans.
- H. P. Lovecraft (various short stories and novellas)
Future Evolution
- H. G. Wells: "Man of the Year Million" , "Of a Book Unwritten" and "The Extinction of Man," and The Time Machine (Perhaps the earliest portrayals of future human evolution)
- Kurt Vonnegut: Galapagos
- Steven Baxter: Evolution
- Colin Caket: Model A Monster-- a craft book that ends with a strange future-evolution tale
- Bruce McClish and Ruth Berry: The Time-Traveller's Guide to Future Australia-- synopsis
- Marc Boulay and Sebastian Steyer: Demain, Les Animaux du Futur
Alternate evolution (including "speculative paleontology" and "lost world" stories):
- Douglas Mawson: "Bathybia." Short story about a tropical basin at the South Pole; includes descriptions of giant invertebrates living in forests of algae and fungi. Available online.
- Mike Magee: Who Lies Sleeping? Rare book about the evolution of "anthroposaurs," humanoid troodonts that develop nuclear power and bring about the Cretaceous extinction. Summary.
- Peter Dickinson: The Flight of Dragons. Imagines dragons as ballonts that produce hydrogen from consumed minerals in order to fly, and breathe fire as a means of expelling excess gas.
- Paul and Karin Johnsgard: Dragons and Unicorns: A Natural History. Another evolutionary take on mythical creatures, depicting dragons as a lineage of ornithiscians.
- Peter Jackson: The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island
Xenobiology (including alternate dimensions):
- Terryl Whitlatch and Bob Carrau: The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide
- Terence Dickinson and Adolf Schaller: Extraterrestrials: A Field Guide for Earthlings-- summary
- A. K. Dewdney: The Planiverse. Biological description of two-dimensional life.
- Robert L. Forward: Dragon's Egg and Starquake. Life on a neutron star
- Nigel Henbest and Heather Couper: Is Anybody Out There? Illustrated book about the search for extraterrestrial life, with some examples and illustrations of what aliens could look like.
Joke spec (speculative creatures not meant to be taken seriously or to be remotely plausible):
- Gerolf Steiner: The Snouters: Form and Life of the Rhinogrades.
- The book Stumpke's Rhinogradentia features earlier illustrations of fictional animals by Steiner.
- Tom Weller: Science Made Stupid. Includes illustrations and descriptions of absurd imaginary prehistoric creatures. Available online.
- Rick Meyerowitz: Dodosaurs. More comic imaginary dinosaurs. Some scans available online.
- Ben Sill, Cathryn P. Sill, and John Sill: A Field Guide to Little-Known and Seldom-Seen Birds of North America; Another Field Guide to Little-Known and Seldom-Seen Birds of North America; Beyond Birdwatching. A trio of parody birding books featuring absurd fictional birds. Some scans here.