Speculative Evolution Wiki

The Jet Hawk is a more elusive predator of the planet Laveria, and a distant relative of the more commonly known Sky Dolphin.


Jet Hawks are 6-limbed flying organisms that have adapted to fill in the niche of aerial predators. Having three sets of fins for aerial flight, the third set had evolved to become shorter yet wider, acting as a stabilizer to keep the Jet Hawk balanced during flight along with its fork-like tail. Like others of its family group, the Jet Hawk's overall anatomy is designed to be streamline in both the air and in the water.

Its body coloration adapts it to disguise itself from larger predators: with a lighter underbelly to mimic the sky, and a darker color on its back to mimic the water. Its eyes had evolved a permanent covering to keep them undamaged when out of water, though this does sacrifice its ability to see within the water, making the Jet Hawk a more permanent aerial creature.


Unlike the Sky Dolphins, the Jet Hawks are solitary hunters. They are capable of highly advanced flying tactics more akin to birds such as swallows and swifts, flying at speed of up to 70mph according to one case study. Their main prey is, actually, its smaller relatives such as the Sky Dolphin as they are the most common prey within the skies of Laveria.

Social interactions with eachother are variable depending on the amount of prey available. In some instances when prey is especially abundant, Jet Hawk would congregate together in small flocks to better hunt down prey, whereas most of the time they would remain by themselves. In droughts, Jet Hawk become especially aggressive, with one account even claiming that they cannibalize their own offspring.
