Speculative Evolution Wiki

The Hollow Grazilope is a species of Xequus native to the planet of Xeno. The species in particular is one of a few known species that survived beyond the Xeno Mass Extinction, continuing to fill in the same niche as their ancestors as hoofed herbivores.



The Hollow Grazilope evolved from a much smaller species prior to the Xeno Mass Extinction, the lack of predators allowing the species to grow larger and more vibrant. The name is thanks to the hollowed-out neck it has, its throat lined with numerous air sacs like that of a frog. Their "hooves" are made up of very large bone that grew up the leg, ending in a heel. Its head is narrow with a small mouth, with a small set of horns growing on top of it.


Herds of Hollow Grazilopes are often found mingling with other known species (Prancer Grazilope, Hammerhead Grazilope, etc.). They behave similarly to other herd animals from Earth, though they are notably more docile than other species of Grazilopes: during the mating season, males of the species will inflate their throat sacs in order to impress the females. A successful male is often the one with the most vibrant display.
