Just the other day I asked Chat GPT to describe an alien planet so I could make a Spec Evo project from there, but it also described its biology.
In this project I will try to imagine the evolution of the strange creatures that the machine created
-GPT 3Y4Td-
Star: GPT 3Y4T. orange dwarf star
Radius: The radius of GPT 3Y4Td is approximately 1.26 times that of Earth.
Mass: The mass of GPT 3Y4Td is approximately 2 times that of Earth.
Gravity: 0.6 Earths
Days: 23 hours
Axial inclination: 50ยบ
Average temperature: 15ยบC day hemisphere, -3ยบC night hemisphere
Atmosphere: F2 24%, O2 10%, BF3 3%, Ne 3%, N 49%, others 1%
Atmospheric pressure: 1.4 Earth atmospheres
Breath of life: CO2+BF3+H3BO3>Light>C6H12B6+O2+F2. O2+F2>Respiration>CO2+BF3+H. H+C+B>Light>C6H12B6
Life based on: carboranes
Plant color: red/blue
Seas and rivers: 100%H2O+H3BO3
Moon: GPT
Lunar mass: 0.8 Moons
Lunar diameter: 0.6 Moon
Orbit status: very eccentric

*GPT 3Y4Td

Ocean currents->
Era A
Eukaryotes initially fell into three groups: photosynthetic vegetation based on H, C and B, photosynthetic animals based on CO2 and BF3, and true animals
Photosynthetic animals are divided into specimens with radial symmetry and asymmetric, and true animals have bilateral symmetry
During this period plankton adapted to "migrate" to the light hemisphere through rapid death and short lifespan. This prolific food source turned the seas red and enabled an equivalent of the Cambrian explosion
Photosynthetic animals adapted as plankton, echinoderms, filter feeders, etc.
Some examples are the eopolypodia (filters and scavengers with radial symmetry that move along the seabed using eight tentacles), the tunicadomimia (asymmetric organisms with a complex life cycle, first as a planktom and then as a sponge, which also have a cord primitive nervous system), and the tetravertichia (radials with four vertices and a symmetry between radial and symmetrical, which float in the water driven by currents, feeding on plankton)
The biodiversity was so rich that the sea floor was covered by a multitude of sessile organisms, forming a continuous moss, food for many true animals.
On land the plants took their first steps. First as beaks without even roots, but later as trees, grass and cycads with seeds.