Speculative Evolution Wiki
Speculative Evolution Wiki

Edimian Period[]


Exactly 50.5 million years from now Lares's orbit will be preturbed by Theia's neighboring bodies causing it's orbit to become very unstable causing it to crash into the planet causing the next mass extinction thus brining an end to the Clarumian period and about 40% of all life on the planet and signaling the begining of the Edimian period, vertebrates are also pushed to the verge of extinction after this period.

Pensivorian Period[]

We have now arrived more than 100 million years in the future all major continents have recombined into one supercontinent called unotia another phylum of invertebates evolve into the dominant phylum thet is now commonly found on the planet one example is the planarium a pen-like flatworm that feeds on sediment and another species of the similar genus is a fast and agile underground predator that preys on other invertebrates and vertebrates (which are now very rare to find).
