Speculative Evolution Wiki

Eleraffe are a group of tall, herbivorous creatures, and made up of the tallest terrestrial creatures ever to exist on Aora. The group survived for millions of years during the Latoon Era, filling in the role of high-grazing herbivores until the Moonfall Ice Age arrived, making temperatures too cold for the creatures and driving them to extinction. A smaller, secondary branching species turned into the Mamopi race during the late Thycene.


Eleraffes are naturally tall creatures, averaging above 100 feet tall. Their bones are extensively lengthened, but also hollowed to allow their height to be achieved even within the lower gravity of their homeworld. Many species also have an elongated proboscis that act as a trunk to better reach high vegetation. Their greenish coloration act as camouflage within the thick undergrowth of the forests.

Eleraffe Family Species
Species Sci. Name Size Time Period Description
Common Eleraffe Loxoraffa commus 110 - 120 ft Mid Growcene - Late Thycene As the name implies, the common Eleraffe is the most well-known species of Eleraffe to exist on Aora.
Lesser Eleraffe Loxoraffa minor 80 - 100 ft Mid Growcene - Early Thycene Lesser Eleraffes are a smaller species of Eleraffe that lived amongst the more mountainous regions of the Towered Land.
Titan Eleraffe Loxoraffa colossus 190 - 200 ft Late Thycene The largest known Eleraffe, and largest terrestrial creature to exist. Their kind however only lasted during one time period.
Swift Eleraffe Loxoraffa minus 140-150 ft Mid Thycene A "mid-sized" Eleraffe that lived within the coastal regions of the Towered Land. It specialized in grazing on seagrasses off the coast.