Speculative Evolution Wiki

The Anemone Walkers is an ancient subterranean species that has existed on the planet Aora for millions of years, being an example of a number of species that remained virtually unchanged throughout time even in modern day. After the results of the Moonfall Extinction however, the family group began to evolve species to venture out to the surface, though most species remained purely subterranean in nature.

Underground Habitat 1

An underground cave system with a species of Anemone Walker illuminating the pathway.


Anemone Walkers are 6-limbed creatures that spend all their lives within underground caves and subterranean habitats. Living in such an isolated habitat means that the species hardly ever evolved that drastically for millions of years, making it an alien example of "Living Fossils". They are sometimes referred to as Cave Stars due to their bioluminescent properties: emitting their own form of light from spots along their bodies as a means of communication. As many of these species are soft-bodied creatures, they've developed a poisonous concoction within their blood, making them deadly to consume for most other animals. No known species of Anemone Walkers grows larger than 3 feet in length.

While a number of known species exist in the fossil record over the millions of years, below is the current taxonomy on all known modern species of Anemone Walkers:

  • C. azule (Blue Star Anemone Walker) - Moonfall Cave; Grovin
  • C. evam (Limbless Anemone Walker) - Titan Caverns; Microta
  • C. flash (Blinking Anemone Walker) - Slug Tunnels; Virrta
  • C. gordo (Quilled Anemone Walker) - Titan Caverns; Microta
  • C. soulis (Will-O-Wisp Anemone Walker) - Subway Tunnels; between Microta and Arborta
  • C. tenacity (Devilish Anemone Walker) - Lava Springs; Arborta
  • C. terrainium (Airan Anemone Walker) - Morotai Cavern; Morota
  • C. titanis (Giant Anemone Walker) - Spiral Tunnel; island off the coast of Microta
  • C. umbelis (Widened Anemone Walker) - Lava Springs; Arborta